


Sub 差分シフト()

    Const COL_LEFT_KEY_ST As Long = 1
    Const COL_LEFT_KEY_ED As Long = 2
    Const COL_LEFT_DATA_ST As Long = 1
    Const COL_LEFT_DATA_ED As Long = 3
    Const COL_RIGHT_KEY_ST As Long = 5
    Const COL_RIGHT_KEY_ED As Long = 6
    Const COL_RIGHT_DATA_ST As Long = 5
    Const COL_RIGHT_DATA_ED As Long = 7
    Const ROW_START As Long = 2 '比較開始行
    Dim ixCurrentRow As Long
    Dim resultStrcmp As Variant
    Dim ixCol As Long
    Dim ixValues As Long
    Dim keyLeftValues()     As String
    Dim keyRightValues()    As String
    Dim val1 As Variant
    Dim val2 As Variant
    ReDim keyLeftValues(COL_LEFT_KEY_ED - COL_LEFT_KEY_ST)
    ReDim keyLeftValues(COL_RIGHT_KEY_ED - COL_RIGHT_KEY_ST)
    ixCurrentRow = ROW_START
        ReDim keyLeftValues(COL_LEFT_KEY_ED - COL_LEFT_KEY_ST)
        ReDim keyRightValues(COL_RIGHT_KEY_ED - COL_RIGHT_KEY_ST)
        ixValues = 0
        For ixCol = COL_LEFT_KEY_ST To COL_LEFT_KEY_ED
            keyLeftValues(ixValues) = Trim$(Me.Cells(ixCurrentRow, ixCol))
            ixValues = ixValues + 1
        Next ixCol
        ixValues = 0
            keyRightValues(ixValues) = Trim$(Me.Cells(ixCurrentRow, ixCol))
            ixValues = ixValues + 1
        Next ixCol
        Dim haveData As Boolean
        haveData = False
        For ixValues = 0 To UBound(keyLeftValues)
            If keyLeftValues(ixValues) <> "" Then
                haveData = True
            End If
        Next ixValues
        If haveData = False Then
            Exit Do
        End If
        haveData = False
        For ixValues = 0 To UBound(keyRightValues)
            If keyRightValues(ixValues) <> "" Then
                haveData = True
            End If
        Next ixValues
        If haveData = False Then
            Exit Do
        End If
        Dim compResult As Long
        compResult = 0
        For ixValues = 0 To UBound(keyLeftValues)
            If keyLeftValues(ixValues) = keyRightValues(ixValues) Then
                compResult = 0
            ElseIf keyLeftValues(ixValues) > keyRightValues(ixValues) Then
                compResult = 1
                compResult = -1
            End If
            If compResult <> 0 Then
                Exit For
            End If
        Next ixValues
        '左のキーが大きい(compResult = 1) ときは、左のキーを下げる
        If compResult > 0 Then
          Call Range(Me.Cells(ixCurrentRow, COL_LEFT_DATA_ST), Me.Cells(ixCurrentRow, COL_LEFT_DATA_ED)).Insert(xlDown, xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove)
        End If
        '右のキーが大きい(compResult = -1) ときは、右のキーを下げる
        If compResult < 0 Then
          Call Range(Me.Cells(ixCurrentRow, COL_RIGHT_DATA_ST), Me.Cells(ixCurrentRow, COL_RIGHT_DATA_ED)).Insert(xlDown, xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove)
        End If

        ixCurrentRow = ixCurrentRow + 1


End Sub